Bio – Tracy Bell

Name:                                 Tracy Bell

Position:                            Rally Secretary

Centre Member For:     6 years

My name is Tracy Bell. I have been a member of the West Wales Centre for 6 years.

My journey into caravanning began when our children were very young. At that time, I was frequently competing in dog agility competitions. After enduring many wet weekends in a tent, we decided to invest in a small caravan. We purchased a Monza 4-berth caravan, equipped with a foot pump to fill the sink and a compact kitchen area. It also had a spacious awning, which proved to be excellent for the kids and dogs.


In 1988, I launched my own dog grooming business. As the business expanded, I had very little time to attend dog agility events. Consequently, our caravan saw less use, prompting us to eventually sell it.

“We have always enjoyed going away on weekends to visit new places. When our first grandson was small, we enjoyed taking him with us, but staying in hotels wasn’t ideal with a young child. So, in 2016, we decided to buy another caravan, a Bailey Ranger 4 berth. Daniel was always so excited to come away with us in the caravan.

In 2018, We attended our first rally, the Easter rally at Pembrey. Around that time, we had purchased an Adria Tamar with bunk beds for our growing family. We now had 3 grandchildren Daniel, Isaac, and Grace. The kids had a great time at the rally, where they built a cardboard robot in a gazebo with the rally marshals, played on the beach, and enjoyed the playpark. After that experience, we started attending rallies regularly.

The following year we were invited to marshal a rally. Initially, it seemed daunting, but we quickly got the hang of it and haven’t looked back since.

In 2021, I became a member of the committee of the West Wales Centre and took on the role of rally secretary. I was welcomed onto the committee and made to feel at ease by everyone, with someone always available to offer advice. I find great enjoyment in organizing rallies for the members to attend. I am always on the lookout for new venues, so if you have any suggestions, please let me know.

Richard and I have just returned from a month-long caravan holiday touring the East coast of England and Scotland. We travelled 1800 miles in total. We had an amazing time visiting new places and making memories. The highlights of the holiday was seeing Puffins on the Farne Islands, walking part of Hadrian’s Wall, and seeing the Kelpies in Scotland.

I am looking forward to creating more memories in the caravan, and I hope the West Wales Centre will be a significant part of these.


If you see me on the rally field, please come over and say Hi!
